Dictionary English BUSINESS



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The reliable PONS German - English BUSINESS dictionary functions entirely offline and contains 800,000 keywords, phrases and translations – the perfect translator for communication in your day-to-day work.Does your work often bring you into contact with business partners from the USA, the UK or other countries? Do you make presentations in English, speak with your English-speaking business partners on the phone, and read or write e-mails in English?
In that case, this offline dictionary is the perfect translator for you_ _ _
PONS German - English BUSINESS dictionary• Bi-directional: German > English and English > German• With more than 345,000 key words and phrases and more than 455,000 translations• With a basic vocabulary, as well as specialist terminology from the fields of economics, law and commerce• With lots of example sentences and information about grammar and language use• Provides 100% offline functionality_ _ _
What can the app do?• Easily translate ON THE GO: As the dictionaries work 100% offline, they are ideal when on the go.• HANDWRITING look-up: Use your finger or stylus to conveniently write the search term in the search box. • VOICE RECOGNITION look-up: Activate voice recognition and enter your search term by speaking into your smartphone or tablet (only for smartphones with Google voice recognition, Internet connection required). • Translate WHOLE TEXT PASSAGES: Do you like reading texts on foreign Internet websites? Texts that you copy into another application, such as the Internet browser, can be looked up word for word directly in the app.• Forgotten the SPELLING? No problem. If you are unsure how to spell a word, the word can still be found and translated – by searching for similar words or using the wildcard search. You can also use the anagram search for words consisting of the same letters but in a different order.• Looking for EXAMPLE SENTENCES? Use the full-text search to search through all the entries. This gives you example sentences or phrases from other entries.• Look up CONJUGATED VERBS: Look up keywords in English, French, Spanish, Russian in any form (declined or conjugated).• BROWSE through the dictionary: You can easily scroll down to the next entry in the dictionary. • Learn the PRONUNCIATION: You can listen to the way many of the keywords are pronounced. The sound recordings were spoken by native speakers. (Audios are only available for English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian)_ _ _
Frequently asked questions (unfortunately only in German)http://de.pons.com/shop/service/faq/woerterbuch-apps
Support:[email protected]_ _ _
About PONS: PONS has been developing green materials for learning languages for life for over 30 years: from classic dictionaries and grammar aids to audio and software language courses right up to free online services.
www.pons.com www.facebook.com/PONSverlag
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